Tuesday, 28 February 2012

FE Hop Garden update

Hop Garden

Hadlow College Hop Garden pt 3 from Grant Beerling on Vimeo.
FE class building a design in sketch up for the Kent Show 2012

Garden component requirements

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Digi Map


A quick vid on downloading a Carto Digi map.


First login leads to a confirmation request page, so fill in the necessary, send, then wait for about two days (not literally in front of your computer).
A confirmation will be sent, probably via your student e-mail (that alone confirms your student status).

Then login. You will get an extra window asking for the organisation, type in 'Green', then click on Greenwich University (in the drop down box)


Carry on as per video.

Bring in Greenwich Passwords.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

FE Sketch-Up Oast update

Update on the build

When placing components think about the colour, style and theme, so that there is a consistency to the model.

Good luck on your build

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Bench videos


Quick run through of basic commands

Bench Builds 1-3

Run through of setting out and build of a curved bench.

All in an Album



I will embed later when they are all up and running

Basic Info from Grant Beerling on Vimeo.

Build Bench 1 from Grant Beerling on Vimeo.

Bench Build 2 from Grant Beerling on Vimeo.

Bench Build 3 from Grant Beerling on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Presentation Help, etc

Power point

Brief and to the point, tutorial for power point, normal slightly annoying music in the background

Overall should get you up and running



A long dull tutorial, just skip along (I should of done 4 smaller, time etc) to what you need to know.

Keynotes basic tutorial from Grant Beerling on Vimeo.

Also some extra stuff from Apple. Just look down the page and watch as needed. Some great effects, though remember less can be more.


Presentation Build Help

Just for those of you who missed the class, a brief explanation of do's and don'ts when building a PP or Keynote show.

Basic Presentation Points from Grant Beerling on Vimeo.

See you Thursday for your practice presentations.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Bench of Oblivion


Put sketches together for those who are wondering about the process.

I may add this is the route I take, so so it may be helpful for some and not others.

1) Big Sketchy lines with the title in my head.

Getting more refined

Some kind of resolution, plus a basic plan, top, side and front view.

Lots of curves and twists so that issues you come up with on your designs, I will hit as well.


Always a good habit to put people in your sketches (even the rough ones)

a) Good practice
b) Gives the sketch a sense of scale

A 'Simon Templar' (The Saint) will do.

The p1800, now that is good design

FE Annotation

FE Video's

A simple route for annotation @1;100 on A2

Export as a PDF for printing

Fly through of model in its basic form.

When your models are finished we shall do a fly through similar to this.


Dishwater Videos.com

Dull, Dull, Dull.

Really not going to make the Oscars with these, but picking up on last weeks lesson. I have come back to the drawing, this time remembering how I constructed it in the first place.


Whenever you put together a drawing its always worth noting your first datum points (in construction lines), as other points often spring off them and if you get them the wrong way round the drawing won't come together.

So a bit like the exercise that I have given you. You have to think about how best to to draw your sketch into AutoCAD. You can never have too many construction lines.

So five short video's, watch pause and draw.

FE class

I have directed my FE class onto the blog as there is a lot of cross over (they are ahead) and both classes will benefit from the blog.

Videos not embedding at present (chasing Vimeo) so click on links

For BA Garden Designers


Lack Garden 1 from Grant Beerling on Vimeo.

Lack Garden 2 (lines to snap) from Grant Beerling on Vimeo.

Lack Garden 3 from Grant Beerling on Vimeo.

Lack Garden 4 from Grant Beerling on Vimeo.

Lack Garden 5 from Grant Beerling on Vimeo.

FE Video's


A simple route for annotation @1;100 on A2

Export as a PDF for printing

Thursday, 2 February 2012

2nd February


A nice steady lesson later today.

We wil have a round table chat on how the Benches are progressing, with the idea that next week you should have the drawing completed, and issues can be tackled in class.

So a quick run down between now and Easter.

2nd Feb

Layers,trim/arrays and construction lines (Mr Lacks Drawing)

9th Feb

Composition of Power Point, general presentation techniques and problem solving.

16th Feb

Power Point of your basic Bench, photographs of the site, explanation of context (or not) and why your design will work (otherwise what is the point). This is a practice for your PP on the 22nd March a week before the hand in.

The five weeks between we will work on annotation/scale/composition. If we get ahead then we will start playing with Photoshop. Need images of people, at eye level, and above (start making a folder of good pictures to use).

Flicker is the place, then screen shot ('snippet' in Windows i think).

Some russian Bus stops, to prove there is nothing new under the sun. 

                      Create a context
                      Love this, set at an angle to the road, the ratio's
                      very 'golden section.'

                      Inspired by Kandinsky ,perhaps?
                     A sitting dog ready to leap.